17 Jul

Three elements to improve the clarity of full-color LED display screens

Full color LED display screens, as the main carrier of advertising and information playback, are increasingly following the trend of the times in contemporary times. High definition videos often bring people a more stunning visual experience,...
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17 Jul

Why is small pitch LED display more suitable for the visualization needs of command centers?

The current control room market, as the high-end market at the pyramid tip of the LED display large screen display market, not only provides products, but also has strict requirements for overall applications. Small pitch LED display screens...
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17 Jul

How to install LED electronic display screens to prevent water leakage

If the LED electronic display screen is used outdoors, it will face many challenges in various aspects. LED display screens will be affected by harsh weather conditions such as high temperatures, cold waves, strong winds, and...
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17 Jul

The 5G era will bring more infinite possibilities to the LED display screen industry

What impact will 5G bring to the LED display industry, and how will LED display companies play with 5G display? Firstly, LED display companies need to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of 5G. 5G, although 5G technology...
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17 Jul

Introduction to LED display screen wall

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, abbreviated as LED. LED panel is a display screen composed of LED device arrays, which is used to display various information such as text, text, graphics, images, animations, market trends,...
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17 Jul

How to choose the pixel pitch of LED display screens

The selection of LED display screen point spacing is related to two factors: Firstly, LED display screen line of sight The placement of the display screen and the distance from which people stand are important factors in determining...
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17 Jul

How LED display screen enterprises can better assist in the construction of smart cities

The wave of “smart city” construction is sweeping forward and affecting the LED display screen manufacturing industry. With the continuous improvement and updating of smart LED display technology, products, and solutions, the application of various smart city...
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17 Jul

Precautions for using LED digital display screens

At present, with the continuous development of the LED display industry, LED large screens are gradually becoming more and more popular on the streets and alleys of major cities. People’s consumption levels are also increasing day by day,...
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17 Jul

Introduction to LED display screen components

Nowadays, LED display screens are ubiquitous and widely used. We often see colorful and dynamic commercial advertisements on the streets, which is the effect of display screen applications. It brings a fast and convenient information age...
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17 Jul

What precautions should be taken for cleaning and maintaining outdoor LED display screens?

After using LED display screens for a period of time, there may be dust and other debris that can affect the display. Regular cleaning and maintenance of LED display screens can extend their service life and...
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